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Our Members




Joe McCann - MBA, NPQH, Managing Director of IQM - Trust Member

Joe was a governor from 2009 until 2016. Joe is now a member of The Duston Education Trust. He is currently Managing Director of Inclusion Quality Mark (U.K) Ltd and works with schools across the U.K and further afield to recognise and improve inclusion in schools. He has a background in education both as a teacher and senior leader, having previously worked with schools in Special Measures as an education consultant leading a team of interim managers. He has delivered training in England, Ireland, Egypt, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and Kuala Lumpa on the importance of an inclusive education. Joe attends regular meetings of Trust Members with the Principal and the SLT to ensure the school is constantly moving forward and delivering a high quality of education for all. He has a keen interest in ensuring every child at Duston receives the best possible inclusive education, and reviews targets and progress continually.









Brenda Bignold JP - BA, MPhil, MBA - Trust Member

Brenda has spent her whole career in education as a teacher, Local Government officer, adviser, consultant and governor. She has worked in four Local Authorities, including as Corporate Director in Northamptonshire, and has undertaken national level roles as Education Director for the Building Schools for the Future programme, as adviser with the Local Government Association and in the private sector, as Partner and UK lead on Children’s Services for Veredus, an executive recruitment company. In recent years she has worked in education overseas, including in Ethiopia, India and Kazakhstan, and is currently undertaking research on teacher training in developing countries. Brenda is also a JP and Board member for two small education charities.








  Sarb Gherra - BA (Hons) - Trust Member

 Sarb joined TDS as a governor in 2018. He has over 20 years’ experience in marketing and sales, having previously worked in professional and financial services organisations such as Herbert Smith Freehills, Grant Thornton and The London Stock Exchange Plc. He is currently the Director of Business Development for an international law firm based in London. Sarb has lived in Northampton for over 30 years with the majority of that time spent in Duston, having also attended what was at the time the Duston Upper School. He has two sons who attend TDS.






Cath has lived and worked in Northamptonshire for the last 20 years and joined the governing body in 2020. She has 2 grown up children and 2 grandchildren about to enter the education system. Her day job is as the CEO of a multi academy trust for settings that provide education for pupils with medical needs who cannot attend school full time, and she has worked in this sector for over 20 years, starting as a teacher at Northampton General Hospital.  Along with her experience in medical alternative provision, Cath also has a Masters in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, and one of her academies provides the education in the local CAMHS inpatient units. In her role as the chair of the National Association for Hospital Education, she regularly meets with the DfE on proposed changes to the wider alternative provision sector and speaks at national events. Cath is passionate about equality of opportunity for all learners, particularly those with special and additional needs and is looking forward to supporting The Duston School in these  areas in her role as a trustee.