Frequently asked questions
Please find the answers to some questions you may have in regards to joining the Combined Cadet Force:
What is the required commitment for each Cadet?
- Attend weekly parades every Tuesday from 1650-1700
- We look for a minimum of 85% attendance although attending school events will not affect this
- 1 training Weekend per year
- Attendance at summer camp
What happens if attendance is an issue?
- There will be a number of reasons a cadet may miss a session or training weekend and like normal attendance procedures please update us via email or through ClassCharts as early as possible
- Taking part in school events and representing the school is encouraged and will not affect your attendance
- Missing certain training will limit a cadet’s progression through our training syllabus and it may not be possible to pick this up due to the tight training schedule we work to
- Training and summer Camp are a chance for Cadet’s to put into practice what they’ve learnt and we highly recommend they are attended to maximise the Cadet experience
How much will the CCF cost?
- Joining fee is £100 that covers uniform use, boots and equipment that is essential to training.
- IO
- If boots are lost or damaged through negligence there will be a replacement cost of £30
- Basic weekend training is at no extra cost
- Advanced weekend training may have an additional cost of approx. £15
- Summer camp will be approx. £70
- If there are any issues or you are in receipt of Pupil Premium please contact us to discuss your options
How will the CCF affect schoolwork?
- All training is completed after school and on weekends with the exception of summer camps
- Summer camp is held after all assessments and exams and is during the final weeks where key stage trips take place
- All dates will be given in advance to allow parents/carers to plan accordingly
How does the Duke of Edinburgh link in with the CCF?
- The DofE is ran by Mrs Freeman but we do assist in facilitating with some training aspects
- This is separate from the CCF but any Cadet taking part in the DofE can use the syllabus to complete parts of that criteria
There is also a CCF qualification that we can access through the DofE award that will be updated about soon