Instrumental lessons
Instrumental Lessons at The Duston School
We are really pleased to offer peripatetic instrumental lessons at TDS, provided by Northamptonshire Music & Performing Arts Trust (NMPAT). The Trust has a large number of highly experienced teachers who provide a full range of instrumental and vocal lessons to almost every school in the county, last year reaching 21,784 pupils.
Lessons can be either 10 or 20 minutes per week, with 33 lessons scheduled over the academic year. Lessons will take place on a set day each week during academic lessons, with timetables displayed in the Music department. All pupils learning an instrument are encouraged to join one of the Music department's ensembles to further their development and enjoyment of their instrument.
To apply for lessons to start in September 2024, please use the links below to complete the application form and contract by Friday 21st June 2024.
Secondary Pupils (including new Year 7s):
Primary Pupils (Years 2-5):
Lessons are available in the following instruments:
- Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass
- Trumpet, Trombone, Cornet, Tenor Horn, French Horn, Tuba, Euphonium
- Flute, Recorder, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone
- Guitar (electric / acoustic / bass)
- Drum Kit / Percussion
- Piano / Keyboard
- Voice
NMPAT have some fantastic introductory videos to help you decide which instrument you might like to learn:
- String; An intruduction to the string family
- Brass;
- Woodwind;
- Guitar;
- Percussion
- Piano
- Voice
Northamptonshire is renowned for the high standard of its music ensembles, with over 1,000 young musicians involved in their award-winning County Music and Drama Groups.
There are 12 Saturday Music and Performing Arts Centres at venues around the county. The centres are open to everybody and exist to provide and educational and fun environment for any young person interested in the Arts. The Duston Centre is run by our brass teacher, Mr Bickerdike, and is based at Millway School. More information can be found on the link below:
Learning a musical instrument is a great opportunity and has a large number of wide-ranging benefits:
- Academic skills – skills developed from learning an instrument like self-discipline, fine motor skills, memorising and reading music notation is beneficial to academic proficiency especially in subjects like maths and science
- Brain power – one of very few activities that uses almost all parts of the brain at the same time
- Employability – self-discipline, team work, multi-tasking and time management are all desirable skills for employers
- Social skills – playing Music with other like-minded people is a great social opportunity, plus working in teams and collaborating in groups
- Reduces stress – being exposed to Music is proven to lower cortisol (stress hormone)
- Develops patience and perseverance – learning an instrument requires patience and instead of getting immediate results you will have to persevere
- Increases time management skills – scheduling in practice time and rehearsals
- Cultivates creativity
- Strengthens your immune system
- Increases memory capacity
- Increases emotional perception
- Breeds confidence
- Speeds up reaction times