As Principal I take great pride in leading the school and supporting your son/daughter in their educational journey.
The school mantra, 'Knowledge itself is power', which sits at the core of my own educational philosophy and influences all that we do as a school.
My favourite subject is IT, I love using the surfaces! I really like maths in fact I love everything we do!
We go on lots of trips. I especially loved going to Woburn Safari Park. We learnt about Space in Year 1 and I remember going into the planetarium when it came to school, that was really fun. We are learning about Vikings at the moment and I have really enjoyed making our Anglo Saxon villages and our dragon eye artwork. Our teachers are great at really bringing our topics to life.
I love coming to this school because it’s the best!
I love coming to school because it’s fantastic! I love PE but English is also my favourite subject because I love writing. This year I have really enjoyed writing a non-chronological report about volcanoes. Maths has been interesting as we have been adding and subtracting using the column method which i really like.
Every year I always look forward to the class assemblies, I love singing and performing. Performing in Oliver was the best!!
I love working at The Duston School because every day is different. Teachers and support staff work incredibly hard to ensure the best outcomes for our students in terms of their academic attainment and emotional well-being. I really enjoy managing Admissions across the Primary and Secondary schools because I get to meet all of the families and students that join us.
I also manage the ‘Young Carers’ scheme within the Duston School which supports some of the schools vulnerable students and offers them some much needed respite from the pressures they are faced with at home.
The Duston School is a positive environment for students and staff alike.
"I enjoy coming to school as the teachers help you accomplish your dreams"
Working at the Duston School is one of the most rewarding experience any teacher can have. Each day is dynamic and exciting with clear routines for teaching and learning that is embedded in the school culture which promotes a thirst for learning.
Staff set high expectations for their pupils and the students are well behaved. Any challenging behaviour is dealt with and supported by middle and senior management.
The Duston School provides a stimulating working environment and encourages high levels of career professional development through both internal and external training.
The Duston School is a fantastic place to work with such a great atmosphere and amazing students and staff. As an English teacher and Head of House, I get to instil my love of English in students and get to play a big role in the superb house and rewards system that we have. It really is the best of both worlds
Students at The Duston School are very inquisitive. I really enjoy feeding their curiosity and hearing some interesting viewpoints in return. Similarly, staff are also keen to ask the difficult questions: being a member of the Duston Action Research Team, I’ve loved having the opportunity to challenge myself and discuss ways to develop our knowledge and expertise as teachers.
I also have the privilege of being Head of Willow House and I am very proud of the fact that Willow managed to win the first House Trophy last year. Having been in third place for the majority of the year, it was wonderful to see that the dedication, hard work and team spirit of the students paid off. I really enjoy working with the tutors and other members of the staff body to organise opportunities for the students to demonstrate their talents and develop a healthy sense of competition; last year’s Sports Day and Student Showcase were just two examples of when the students came together to celebrate each other’s achievements.
I work to support and empower students to ensure that they get the most out of their time at The Duston School
"I like being apart of The Duston School because the Teachers are supportive and make lessons fun"
Art, Design and Technology at The Duston School is an amazing subject and I don't apologise for sometimes getting very excited about it. It's a real cross-curricular subject and makes a massive impact on students' learning as they need to take information they learn from other areas, especially maths and science, and apply it using logic, analysis, creativity and a big slice of common sense- sometimes they don't understand these concepts properly until they apply them practically. I'm that sort of learner myself, unless I'm actively doing, information can just disappear from my brain! My job at The Duston School gives me the opportunity to have a positive impact on people's lives and make a difference every day. I go home and I know I made a difference. Staff care about each other personally and work together as a team.
As a Drama teacher and SENDCo at The Duston School for 12 years, I have seen the changes and progressions that the school has made. Teaching here is a great pleasure, working with students and staff in both the secondary and primary phases. My role as SENDCo includes working with SEND pupils from the primary and secondary phases, with outside agencies such as Hospital and Outreach, as well as being responsible for Looked After Children, who I love seeing grow into mature young adults with successful futures ahead of them. I love running groups that help with emotional wellbeing and nurturing emotions to help our more vulnerable pupils feel confident in their own person, helping them to be successful at The Duston School and beyond. My role as a Drama teacher is amazing, from enthusiastic pupils in lessons to being part of the dynamic Music & Performing Arts faculty to directing scenes in the school show.
"I enjoy coming to school so we can make new friends and enjoy classes to boost our education"
“As Head Boy, my primary responsibility is to represent the student body. I take great pride in this role and aim to ensure that every student has a voice. I continued to study here Post 16 because of the amazing support of the staff. The support we receive is first class and is the main reason why the large majority of the students here stay post 16”
"The Duston School has enabled me to develop as an individual and to exceed my own expectations through my academic achievements. The confidence I have in my abilities has flourished over the past 6 years, which has led to my newly established role as Head Girl and as editor of the school newspaper"
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Well done to Imogen and Jude for their performances at today’s English Schools Cross Country in Sussex. Imogen finished 66th and Jude finished 317th. The level at these championships is exceptionally high. Congratulations to you both.